Simulation tools#

Package: agabpylib.simulation

Star cluster simulations#

Package: agabpylib.simulation.starclusters

This package contains several modules for the simulation of star clusters. The simulations generate the following:

  • A set of single stars according to a certain initial mass function.

  • Stellar astrophysical parameters according to the stars’ age and metallicity.

  • The space distribution of the stars.

  • Kinematics of the stars (cluster bulk velocity and internal velocity field).

  • Simulated Gaia observations of the cluster stars.

The following code listing shows an example of generating a simulated cluster.

import nump as np
import astropy.units as u

from agabpylib.simulation.starclusters.cluster import StarCluster, StarAPs
from agabpylib.simulation.imf import MultiPartPowerLaw as mppl
from agabpylib.simulation.starclusters.spacedistributions import TruncatedPlummerSphere
from agabpylib.simulation.starclusters.kinematics import LinearVelocityField
from agabpylib.simulation.starclusters.observables import GaiaSurvey

# Random number generator
rangen = np.random.default_rng()

# Kroupa type IMF
imf = mppl(np.array([0.3,1.3,2.3]), np.array([0.1,0.5]))

# Astrophysical parameters of the cluster stars
age = 650*u.Myr
isodir = "/home/brown/Stars/Modelgrids"
feh = 0.0
afeh = 0.0
vvcrit = 0.0

# Number of stars and core radius for Plummer distribution
nstars = 5000
rcore = 6*u.pc
rtrunc = 3*rcore

# Kinematic parameters
v=np.array([-6.30, 45.44, 5.32])*
s=np.array([1.69, 1.95, 1.06])*
omega = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0])*
kappa = 0.0*

aps = StarAPs(age, feh, afeh, vvcrit, isodir, imf, iso="mist")
pos = TruncatedPlummerSphere(rcore, rtrunc)
kin = LinearVelocityField(v, s, omega, kappa)

distance_c = 45.0*u.pc
ra_c = 60.5*u.deg
dec_c = 15.9*u.deg
gaiadr = "dr3"
survey = GaiaSurvey(distance_c, ra_c, dec_c, release=gaiadr, rvslim=12.0)

cluster = StarCluster(nstars, aps, pos, kin, survey, rangen)

Star clusters#

Module: agabpylib.simulation.starclusters.cluster

Contains the class to simulate clusters and the class to generate a set of stars according to an IMF together with their astrophysical parameters.

Star cluster kinematics#

Module: agabpylib.simulation.starclusters.kinematics

Contains classes for simulating the velocity field of a star cluster.

Star cluster observables#

Module: agabpylib.simulation.starclusters.observables

Classes for generating observations of stars in a star cluster (for now only the Gaia survey).

Star cluster space distributions#

Module: agabpylib.simulation.starclusters.spacedistributions

Classes for generating the space distribution of stars in a cluster.

Initial mass function#

Module agabpylib.simulation.imf

Classes for generating stellar masses according to a specific IMF.

Parallax surveys#

Module agabpylib.simulation.parallaxsurveys

Simulations of simple parallax surveys. Only the parallax and apparent magnitudes of the stars are simulated. The classes are useful for investigating the issue around inferring distances from parallaxes. Some of the code was used in support of the paper on using Gaia parallaxes (Luri et al. 2018). See the corresponding github repository